
South Carolina Thespian Festival

By Katie An Siegel posted 03-08-2014 11:51

I was lucky enough to get to attend South Carolina's Thespian Festival this year. Immediately when I got there, I was given a warm welcome from the chapter director, Joe Timmons. After we toured the gorgeous venue, I got the chance to start meeting students. I met lots of wonderful Thespians, and we headed to dinner together. After dinner, it was time for one acts! 

South Carolina has really strong one acts. Almost every school in attendance this year brought a one act. The excitement about the one acts was something really fun to see. There was a huge variety of topics chosen. I loved getting to see so many one acts and so much talent. In between one acts, everyone in the audience would sing songs or do different chants. I felt like this really fostered a spirit of community throughout the whole festival. I also got to meet the stage manager for the one acts. She was incredible and kept everything running smoothly all weekend. 

South Carolina also had a Broadway Cares Auction this year. Many students from Carolina Forrest helped to run this auction. I was very impressed by the leadership and organization of the auction. I want to give a huge thank you to that school for taking the lead on the auction! It was really successful. 

They also sold finger puppet critters. You had to find your match. There were also two golden critters. They had to be found, then they had to find their match. If they did so, there was a prize for the two winners!! 

I was very impressed by the alumni support in South Carolina too! They had several very dedicated alum, that came from as far as Washington State to help with festival! 

I want to say thank you to Joe Timmons and the South Carolina Thespians for so graciously hosting me this year! I had a wonderful time! 
