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Speak up to protect wireless microphones!

By James Palmarini posted 10-30-2013 15:28


With the approval of Tom Wheeler as the new chair, the Federal Communication Commission will likely  be moving more quickly on spectrum auctions, the FCC's plan to work with broadcasters to voluntarily auction unused spectrum in the television band. These auctions could prompt the necessity for another spectrum move for wireless microphone,  and the cost of new equipment that will work in a newly designated spectrum space.  

Wireless technology is critical to the performing arts as it allows for unrestricted on-stage movement, creates sophisticated sound, and powers the backstage communications used by stagehands. Educational theatre, along with nonprofit performing arts organizations, commercial theaters, and performers rely on this equipment which operates in the “white space”—frequencies between broadcast channels of the television band. Interference to these frequencies can compromise the quality of onstage performances and backstage operations which could affect the safety of performers, technicians, and audiences.

Congress passed the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 which requires the FCC to transfer spectrum from TV broadcasting to wireless broadband through incentive auctions. We urge congress to support H.R. 2911, the Wireless Microphone Users Interference Protection Act of 2013, introduced by Rep. Bobby Rush (D-1st IL) which has provisions to protect the white space used by wireless technologies in the performing arts.

To learn more and how you can speak up on behalf of Wireless Microphone users go to

