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Community Spotlight: Myndee Washington

By Ginny Butsch posted 07-11-2017 09:29


One of the main goals for our Theatre Education Community is to help theatre students and professionals from all over connect and identify with each other in order to build resources and support the theatre education field. We shine a spotlight on a different member every other week by conducting a simple interview.


Our latest Spotlight Member is Myndee Washington, the Director of Theatre at Millennium Academy in New Port Richey, Florida. Millennium Academy is home to Junior Thespian Troupe 88621 and Thespian Troupe 6630, Myndee leads both. Myndee has experience acting, directing and designing costumes, the latter earning her the 2014 title of Best Costume Designer in Tampa Bay.


Ginny: Why do you believe theatre is important?


Myndee: Theatre allows us to step outside of ourselves. Whether we are the audience and, momentarily, step away from our worries and pressures for a few hours, or we are onstage and have the opportunity to "become" someone completely different. It teaches us compassion and empathy. It teaches my students to be confident and take risks. It teaches them to trust themselves and others. Theatre is a microcosm of amazing worlds to discover, rediscover or forge new!


Ginny: What is your favorite musical or play? What makes it so special?


Myndee: My favorite musical will always be The Phantom of the Opera. It came out when I was in high school (wow, I just gave away my age) so, of course, I knew every word. Because I fancied myself very erudite, I also read the original Gaston LaRoux book, in French! When the first national tour came around, it did not come to Tampa. My boyfriend at the time bought tickets to see the show in Fort Lauderdale. A six hour drive there and a six hour drive back! The moment the gavel struck (the first sound you hear), I started crying and cried through the entire show! By the way, that boy became my husband!


Ginny: What is unique about your program?


Myndee: I teach in a K-12 private school. Our focus is "Education through the Arts," so all of our classes focus on the arts. We are a very small school, so in addition to teaching drama, musical theatre, technical theatre and costume design, I also teach history, civil rights and civics. My productions usually involve students from 3rd-12th grades. It gives me a lot to work with. It also gives me the opportunity to begin training students, at a young age, to handle tech responsibilities. Instant stage crew! It is not unusual for us to suspend classes because most of our students are involved in a production and we need more time to rehearse.


Ginny: Name something on your bucket list.


Myndee: I want to visit every continent! I lead student travel tours each year, so I have been to so many amazing places. I still have to make it to Africa, Australia and Antarctica.


Ginny: Do you have any hobbies outside of theatre?


Myndee: Sewing is my number one hobby, but as I sew mostly costumes, I guess that doesn't count. I love to travel and I am passionate about travel photography.


Ginny: What toy do I remember most from my childhood?


Myndee: Barbie! I was a Barbie girl as far back as I can remember. She was the first model for my costumes!

Myndee’s experience and sense of adventure undoubtedly bring an exciting energy to her program and classroom. If you enjoyed Myndee’s interview as much as I did, add her as a contact in the Community.

Do you know someone who deserves a moment in the Spotlight? Tell me their name and why at Want to read more Community Spotlights? You can find them here.

