
JumpStart Theatre Update 10: Curtain up!

By Ginny Butsch posted 06-02-2016 14:24


A program designed to build sustainable musical theatre programs in underserved middle schools that currently have none.

This is a series of monthly updates about the JumpStart Theatre pilot program launched this year in Cincinnati, Ohio. To view previous updates, click here.

Showtime! April was an exciting month for the JumpStart program as each school performed a musical for the first time. All three schools did an excellent job and were rewarded with enthusiastic applause from audiences packed with families, community members, staff, and friends. 

First up was Holmes Middle School, performing Annie JR on April 7 & 8. 



Next came  Finneytown Middle School with Honk! JR on April 21 & 22.



James N. Gamble Montessori rounded out the month with Once On This Island JR on April 22 & 23.



The Educational Theatre Association is so proud of their hard work and commitment and couldn't be more excited to see them again next year.  


The JumpStart staff members had the chance to talk to some of the students before their performances, here are some of their thoughts:


The best part of this play is working together and getting to know one another. Holmes student


You've got to support others. If someone misses a cue or stumbles on a line, you've got to help them. You don't want to push down a person, you want to build them back up. Finneytown student


We all learned that if we commit to something, you have to stay with it or you're letting everyone down, not just the actors but the audience. Holmes student


I have known some of these kids since 2nd grade, but others I just met and it was surprising to find out how much we had in common and how many new friends I made. Gamble student


I learned how to be more humble. I've learned that not everything is about me, I can still be a part of things and make a big impact and not be the center of attention. Finneytown student

JumpStart Theatre Showcase Invitation

Please join us on May 18 at 6:00 in the Gallagher Center at Xavier University to celebrate a successful first year. The Showcase will feature performances from all three Class I schools, followed by a reception sponsored by a Cincinnati favorite, Tom + Chee. RSVP to Ginny Butsch by May 9. 

Thanks to all of our partners and supporters on JumpStart Theatre:






