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Community Spotlight: Josh Munden

By Ginny Butsch posted 06-10-2014 16:26



One of the main goals for our Theatre Education Community is to help theatre students and professionals connect and identify with each other in order to build resources and support the theatre education field. We shine a spotlight on a different member every other week by conducting a simple interview.

Our latest Spotlight Member is Josh Munden, a sophomore at Liberty High School in Kansas City, MO. Josh is a recently inducted Thespian of Troupe 5082, and a brand new contributor to the Community. I asked Josh to answer a few questions for us so we could learn a little more about him.

Ginny: Why do you believe theatre is important?

Josh: Theatre is freedom, it gives us the chance to let everything about our day-to-day life fall off of us as we take on the role of a new character and a new life. For me, theatre is an escape-as a kid I was always picked on. When I joined theatre, I found friends, best friends, and a family. People who do theatre accept one another no matter what our past is or was. It doesn’t matter who we are. As long as we love theatre.

Ginny: As a high school theatre student, what is your greatest challenge?

Josh: As a theatre student and a high school student I will have to say the greatest challenge for me, and I think for a lot of theatre students, is grades! During the shows my grades suffer, I have a hard time focusing on school and productions at the same time. So for any theatre student out there, I cannot stress enough how important it is that grades and school come first. As my director says, “you have to do the learning before you have fun.”

Ginny: I agree, there are probably many theatre students who can relate to that challenge. How do you overcome it? Do you have any tips or tools that help you stay on top of homework assignments when you are involved with a show?

Josh: You overcome the grade challenge with organization and time management! I can't stress those two things enough, it will help so much in the long run! I do have some tips and the big one is to talk to your teachers and tell them that you’re in a production so you can work together. The teacher will help and work with those students who come and talk to them, before it's too late. Another tip, if you have free time at rehearsal, use that time to your advantage!

Ginny: Tell us about the moment that made you decide to get involved in theatre.

Josh: The moment I decided to get involved in theatre is the most important moment of my life, because it has made me into who I am today. I was in 8th grade and all my friends had been doing theatre since I had known them. Our school play was The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. My friends encouraged me to try out, so I did. Then the next week we all received an email with the cast list and I scrolled and scrolled and didn’t see my name…until I went to page two to see I was cast as “Jack Taylor” in my first play and I had a titled role with lines.

Ginny: If you could choose any career, what would you choose?

Josh: I would choose to be a theatre teacher/ forensic teacher. I have wanted to be a theatre teacher for a few years. Getting to watch my forensic teacher, Mick Turpin, this year as a first year teacher and a Thespian makes me want to have the connection he has with his students. His love for theatre inspires me to be dedicated and determined to do everything I can for our theatre department.

Ginny: What is your proudest accomplishment?

Josh: My proudest accomplishment has to be getting elected as president of my troupe at Liberty High School, Troupe 5082. 

Ginny: What is something we would be surprised to learn about you?

Josh: I have many surprising things but the most surprising thing would be that I am visually impaired. I only have vision in my right eye and no vision in my left eye. Yet I sing, act, dance, and do set build and tech work for the shows I’m in. It just goes to show you really can do anything you put your mind to. 

Josh is definitely on a path to success, we’re excited to see what he will accomplish as President of Troupe 5082 and in his career as a future educator.  If you also enjoyed Josh’s interview, add him as a contact in the Community!

Know someone in the Community who deserves a moment in the Spotlight? Send me their name and tell me why at

