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Welcome to the Theatre Education Community!

By Ginny Butsch posted 07-11-2013 16:47

Welcome! We are so excited to have you join our online community for the theatre education field. Your advice and questions will help shape this tool into an invaluable resource.
If this is your first time here, or you just need a review, here are some tips to help you get started:

1. First, update your profile. Upload a professional picture, add some facts about yourself. If you have a LinkedIn profile, you can easily transfer over your information from that site.

2. Adjust your security and notification settings. Find the "My Profile" button in the blue navigation bar at the top of the page. Hover your mouse over it until a drop down menu appears and then click on "My Settings." Subscription (notification) preferences will show up first. Most people choose to receive notifications through the Daily Digest, one email daily that contains all of the previous day's activity. Next, click on the drop down menu and review your privacy settings:

Here's how to interpret these options:
My Contacts: Only the people who you have accepted as contacts will be able to see.
Members Only: Only PAID EdTA/ITS members will be able to see.
Public: Anyone who visits our website.
Nobody: Really means "nobody but me." No matter what settings you choose, you will always be able to see all of your own profile information.

3. Add some contacts. Find others in your school or state, or reconnect with the individuals you met at past Festivals or Conferences.

4. Start posting! If you have a question or a topic that needs a response, start a discussion thread. If you want to share some knowledge or thoughts, post a blog entry.

If you need additional instructions, run into an error, have a question, etc. please don't hesitate to contact me or Ben Ochsner. You can easily reach us by sending a message through the community, or sending us an email at We look forward to hearing from you!
