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The Northeast Educational Theatre Festival 2013

By Gai Laing Jones posted 12-11-2013 23:52

I had the privilege of attending the Northeast Festival in Gorham, Maine at the University of Southern Maine and Gorham High School. Congrats to Keith Anctil, Marydell Merrill, Rick Osann, Wil Kilroy, Dan Burson, EileenAvery, Pam Mutty, Kit Rodgers, Betty Lent, and Cathy Archer-the Festival Planning Board, and the student Regional Thespian Officers. Imagine a six state festival, with schools from New Hampshire, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Best workshops and performances. The word for the weekend was "Flexible." Everyone was supportive and proud to attend. They incorporated Making Magic Defying Gravity as a festival opener featuring performers and technical students from 5 different high schools. They granted a student scholarship to a leader to attend Thespian Festival 2014in Lincoln, to take the Leadership workshop, and return as a Regional Thespian Officer to strengthen next year's students. A light dusting of snow was a highlight to finish the weekend.
