
Summit Recap

By Liz Coin posted 07-31-2014 12:02

3:30 a.m.
Mom: "Liz, wake up, it's ITO time."

7:30 a.m.
Mom: "Liz, wake up, we're in Chicago. What do you mean you don't have your ID? You know this means you're going to have to answer security questions. QUICK, what is the Iowa state bird?"

10:40 a.m.
Alex: "You dyed the tips of your hair pink? You've gone rogue."

Here are the first three things I remember from this trip. After those, I experienced a whirlwind of information, growing friendships, and anticipation.

After a giant hug party with Alex Minton (ITO Chair) and Rachel Gatewood (Region III Representative), we found Scott Wilson (Swils, for short) and drove to our final destination, the lovely Netherlands Plaza Hotel in Cincinnati.

The first day, for me, was a day of listening. I listened to what the outgoing ITO said about their experiences at festivals, with planning, and with working together. We also got to attend a "Meet and Greet" with many State Chapter Directors. I had a really great time getting to know directors from my region, other regions, and, of course, from Iowa! Later that night we decided our three goals as an ITO board,
  1. Reinvent Advocacy
  2. Promote Community
  3. Support Local Troupes

So, yeah, pretty AWESOME!
Note: Do not leave your phone on the table during a break, wild officers WILL take selfies.
f.t. Dany (Comm Editor), Rachel (Region III), and Duncan (Outgoing Region II).

Day 2. Leadership training with Staples and Swils followed by two lectures and a lunch done by Jim Palmarini and Randy Cohen. This was an extremely helpful day for me--advocacy is our very first goal and I felt my knowledge on the subject was not complete. After these lectures and conversations over lunch, I feel much better about promoting and reinventing advocacy.

Another important part of Day 2 was discussing and establishing the brand new Liaison positions! These roles will be a great support to the International Thespian Board and Society, and I cannot wait to see all that they will accomplish.

After a full day of training and learning, we needed a little fun. We were invited to a BBQ pool party at Ms. Diane Carr's home to celebrate her 10 years with EdTA (Yay!). There we swam, ate yummy food, chatted with more EdTA members, and tried Graeter's ice cream!

The ITO board spent a lot of quality time together, I know I loved getting to connect with them, and together we established our three values for the 2014-2015 year:
1. Love
2. Wisdom
3. Dependability

Thank you to the EdTA for allowing us to be apart of something so outstanding, to the board for being some of my best friends, and a future thank you to all thespians--YOU are the REASON!

Liz Coin
Incoming Region II Rep
