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Acting Advice: Don't Stop Acting On Stage

By Desmine Robinson posted 07-27-2015 13:02



Hello, I'm Desmine Robinson! I have played in 2 musicals, 1 play, and a variety show in which I had a minor and a major role. I learned that the most important person in the auditorium or any location where we perform- is the audience. So we have to do our best to perform for them. To make things funny, for them. To identify and to communicate with them- without breaking the wall.


The wall is a separation between "the world" on stage and reality.

For instance- the world on stage in "Aladdin the Musical" would be located in Agrabah. 

The best way to create the best WORLD on stage is to remain in character- NO MATTER WHAT!

To keep the show going, NO MATTER WHAT!

Not only will you receive props( lol not stage props, but compliments xD this is a THESPIAN SOCIETY so I had to say it)  from the audience but you will become a better actor.

When I did "Willy Wonka the Musical" we were waiting for a transition to happen- but it was late- so we did an improve conversation with Willy Wonka. And the audience had NO IDEA that it wasn't in the script. NOW if I had not been in character- and started actually ADDRESSING THAT THE TRANSITION WAS LATE- AND STARTED CALLING OUT MEMBERS OF THE STAGE CREW- and GETTING AGGRAVATED AND YANKING ON THE CURTAIN- THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN OUT OF POCKET AND OUT OF CHARACTER AND WOULD HAVE RUINED THE WORLD FOR THE AUDIENCE. Instead- we said "You're not pulling our chain, are you Mr. Wonka? and Augustus Gloop exclaimed that he was hungry and asked was their food back there."

One night, our bubble machine fell over before Charlie and I (Grandpa Joe) were going to do our "flying scene." Instead of complaining we shrugged our shoulders and we did it anyway! 

Being a good actor can be fun because good actors know how to NOT STOP ACTING. KEEP ACTING THE ENTIRE TIME YOU'RE ON STAGE- even when you're moving things off the set. If you're playing Spongebob in "Spongebob Squarepants The Musical" (That may or may not be a thing)- move the set piece off like Spongebob would.... OF COURSE WITHOUT DRAWING TOO MUCH ATTENTION!


So to be a good actor- KEEP ACTING, don't get sidetracked, don't be intimidated by unscheduled happenings. Don't worry- just know your world. And anything goes..... unless the director says "No."

1 comment



07-27-2015 13:33

Great advice, Desmine! Thanks for sharing!