
Leadership Summit

By Danysha Lamadieu posted 07-28-2014 18:17

Leadership Summit was held in Cincinnati, Ohio. First and foremost let me just say, that is a BEAUTIFUL city. There was live music in the evening time and the day time was lit with excitement. Little did the city know that some great information was being spread in the Netherland Plaza Hilton Hotel each night that weekend! 

For the incoming ITO there was training everyday. Something that taught me much more than expected. The outgoing ITO were so informative and very wise. They gave us real tips from the heart. Tips such as, remembering why we ran for this position and how to take care of ourselves through the stressful times. They also told us that this isn't about us, but our service to our thespians. 

My board and I got to sit in on two informative lectures on the National Arts Core Standard. A big thanks to Jim Palmarini and Randy Cohen. Your information played a huge role in the ITO coming up with our goals and values for our term this year. We later got to have lunch with both great minds and they gave us tips that we all could take home to our troupes about advocacy. 

With all that said, I met a plethora of adults dedicated to spreading and advocating for the arts because they know how beneficial it is to everyone involved. To you all, I give great thanks. Without you none of this could be accomplished. You're heroes. 

Until next time Cincinnati! 

