International Thespian Festival

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Region I Candidate

By D'Andre Carter posted 06-24-2014 00:52

Thespian Festival 2014 is so close! I wanted to take a minute to give you a little information about each of the 2014- 2015 ITO Chair candidates. This week, they will be wearing different colored notebooks around their neck, so be sure to say hi!! 

Adelina Perez, Albuquerque NM

My favorite theatre memory would be when I was a freshmen doing the music man. The one day I think of automatically is one day of rehearsal when we all ended up staying till 8:00pm. We worked so hard on stage but backstage everyone was so tired that they were acting crazy! We had a group of "invisible" ninjas running around literally picking people up and moving them to the other side of the stage... We had a pizza party and painting party! This was also the day that we decided that getting pickle juice flavored snow cones would be a good idea... It was such a hectic day that it wasn't that stressful at all, it is probably the first memory I have of being accepted into the theatre and making the friends that I would soon call my best friends :)

Alyssa Jewell, Portland OR
My favorite theatre memory would definitely be looking back on the amazing warm ups my troupe used to traditionally do before every show. After the normal face stretching and jumping around, we would all hold each others hands, feel each others energy and remember to take a deep breath. After, we would all get on our knees and hit the ground with each syllable saying, "Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot, we'll be together whatever the weather whether we like it or not." We would progressively get louder as we repeat this and then suddenly stop. With tingling hands and warmed up bodies we would once again join hands and exhale the negative energy from the day. After aggressively shouting, "BRONCOS ON THREE! 1! 2! 3! BRONCOS! YOU KNOW!" we would put on a beautiful show with confidence and compassion in our hearts.

Adriana Medina, Albuquerque NM

Hey guys! So I've been thinking about this question for days and I feel like I can't just chose one person because I have many people to thank for my accomplishments, however there are two people I'd like to recognize and definitely claim them as my role models.

The first person is my mom. She's always been my adviser and has always pushed me to do my finest. There aren't enough words to describe what she means to me and how much she's done for me. She supports what I do and encourages me to do my best. My mother seriously has a gift with life. She is one of the most genuine people I will ever come across in my life and I am so lucky that she's my mother. She's a teacher and she really has a gift with people and children. Just by observing her at work I can tell there's something special about her, not to mention all of the personal experiences with her. She's above and beyond and definitely my wonder woman.

The second person I'd like to recognize is my troupe director- Chris Gonzales. This man seriously has a gift. His program appealed to me before I was even out of middle school and he's a main reason why I'm so hugely passionate about thespians and theatre. It's gracing to see how many people love him and are so comfortable being around him. All of the students flock around him; poor guy can't even spend lunch alone! I am so glad that he is my troupe director because he taught us the art of theatre and how to appreciate it. Bernalillo is such a small community, and because so, we have to make do with what we have. He's taught us how to be independent and given us so many real world skills that I could never thank him enough for all he's done.

Of course there are many more people I look up to, but these are the two main people who have impacted my life so greatly that I couldn't go without acknowledging them.

