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It's Almost That Time of Year Again!!!

By Chelsey Cavender posted 07-29-2014 11:24


It is hard to believe that the start of school is just around the corner! It seems that no matter what channel you happen to be surfing, there never seems to be a lack of back to school commercials. Grocery stores are filled to the brim with new backpacks and school supply lists. I would imagine many are secretly dreading the end of days spent at the pool and mornings without an alarm clock.

Not me!

I am ready for the new school year because in just one month I will get to witness the impact Thespians can make in their community. I know what you are thinking- “My Tony in West Side Story last spring moved everyone to tears, I think that meets my quota for community changing this year.” Think again, friends! You have the opportunity to show your community what it means to be a Thespian - offstage!  


TOTS-EAT (Trick or Treat So Kids Can Eat) is the national community service initiative of the International Thespian Society. Teachers and students around the country join together to collect canned goods for their local food drives, all while raising awareness for their theatre programs and earning awards for their efforts!


A few facts about hunger:

  • Hunger affects 1 in 4 children in the United States
  • The average American will consume 4.7 pounds of food in just one day
  • 96 billion pounds of food are wasted each year


In recent years, participating troupes (usually around 300) have raised over 365,000 pounds of food! This year, our goal is:


400,000 lbs of food!


Can you imagine how many kids we could feed if every troupe in the International Thespian Society participated!?


Here is my challenge for you:


Start brainstorming!

- How can you get your troupe involved in this awesome program?

- What are some really creative ways of collecting and getting the word out?


 Let’s make this year better than ever! Registration opens September 2nd!


Chelsey Cavender

**Be on the lookout for more exciting updates and information to come!** 

