
Utah Thespians Move Mountains!

By Caroline Caden posted 03-07-2018 02:39

This past Saturday, I attended Utah ThesFest! David LaFleche and I drove into Provo in awe of the beautiful mountains! We knew it would be an awesome weekend with a start like that. As soon as I arrived, I was greeted by Utah's Chapter Director Andy Hunsaker with a kind hug and then got to work! His students were setting up things and I began to write the opening ceremonies script. I double tasked and finished the very first @utahthespians Instagram post on Canva. I chatted with Melissa Peterson and Jacob Harrison on the phone the night before, and we wanted to do a scavenger hunt to amp up the new Instagram. Not long after I began to work on the script, Melissa and Jacob arrived! I sashed them and we printed out the scripts to head over to the theater.
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The crowd of 150 Thespians were so excited to kick off their day of fun! I enjoyed seeing the STO cheer up the crowd about the great things planned. After opening ceremonies, it was time for the first workshop session! Simultaneously, I.E.'s, one acts, and Scholarship Interviews were happening at the same time as the workshops. Everyone was busy.
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I taught my Leadership workshop in the first session, and had incredible attendees who spoke passionately about making differences in their troupe and community! It was so uplifting to hear their ideas.
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After the leadership workshop, I peeked into the auditorium to check on the one acts. The students loved them! Then I spoke to Thespians and featured them on the @utahthespians Instagram in order to boost a following. Throughout the day, I spotted people trying to find the scavenger hunt items!
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David LaFleche and I answered everyone's questions about the International Thespian Society and sparked interest about troupes getting more involved. People were so intrigued by all the honors they can receive as a Thespian!
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I then ate lunch and wrote the closing ceremonies script. Once that was finished, it was almost time for closing! I spoke with students who felt amazing about their performances, jammed in the little theater with the techies, and answered questions about ITF. Unfortunately, it came time to wrap up! The I.E. closing showcase was awesome, and students raved when they saw the passion of other Thespians like them. Utah participated in Minute to Give It, then I said my final goodbyes. The new Chapter Director, Adam Slee, gave a HUGE thank you to Andy Hunsaker, who has run Utah ThesFest for 10 years.

I had an inspiring time in Utah, thank you all for having me!
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