
Arizona Thespian Festival

By Alyssa Jewell posted 11-29-2014 15:53

When I arrived in Pheonix, Arizona late on the night before the first day of Arizona ThesFest, I was overwhelmed with excitement and the natural anxiety of the unknown events ahead of me. When Ben Oschner and I reached the hotel, we were greeted with bags full of snacks and I met with one of the Arizona STOs, Rayne Taylor Simmonds. This lovely lady showed me around the conference and helped me on the journey to making tons of new friends and plenty of some of the best memories I will ever have. I had two days full of action and excited thespians who were ready for anything, including my workshops. With the amazing support from the Arizona Thespians adult board and their State Thespian Officers, I had a great first festival. It was the time of my life and over those two days I feel like I became part of a family.
