
We Care!

By Alex Minton posted 09-22-2014 19:41


This past weekend was a weekend of firsts: my first trip as an International Thespian Officer, first time in New York City, my first Broadway show, and most importantly my first Broadway Cares Flea Market. And they won’t be my lasts.

The weekend began early Friday morning when I flew into the Big Apple and met up with the five other ITO, Scott Wilson, and Diane Carr in our Times Square hotel. Times Square in itself embodies the hustle bustle of America. Large billboards, bright lights, and various street performers became my morning commute for the next two days. On Friday the ITO learned a little more about Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS from Joe Norton and Jason Daunter. BC/EFA raises $12-13 million dollars every year, and have been working with the International Thespian Society since 1999.The amount of support the organization has for the development of AIDS research, and towards the AIDS community is inspirational. After the home office visit we had the privilege to meet with Alex Sarian, the Director of Finance and New Business at the Lincoln Center Education, Mr. Sarian is world renowned for advocating for the arts. Picking his brain and listening to him explain just how powerful six words can be helped us better understand our message with advocacy. Thanks to Mr. Sarian, the ITO received a tour of Lincoln Center (to give you a taste of how expensive it is, the lobby of the Met had a 24 karat gold gate).

Friday evening left us like pre teens awing over their favorite celebrity. Thanks to the wonderful Jason Daunter, we got tickets to see Pippin. The show easily rose to my number one, as it provided entertainment and left me thinking. On top of that, we got to go backstage after the show and meet Kyle Dean Massey (a thespian alum) who plays Pippin! Along with Jason we also met Rachel Bay Jones (also a thespian alum) who plays Katherine. Needless to say, we were star struck.

Saturday was a day of meetings at the Broadway Cares office. While I can’t reveal everything that we talked about, I can say that get ready Thespians: your ITO have some exciting things planned for you! A simple way to do this is by logging onto, and checking up on the brand new Thespian Festival website! Just click the festival tab and explore what we will have in store.

Saturday night was another night of theatre, Jason had got us tickets to see a show in previews titled The Country House. The humor was dry and hysterical, the set was cozy, and the evening was memorable.

We had to turn in early however, because Sunday was the big day: The 28th Annual Broadway Cares Flea Market! We arrived at 44th and Shubert Alley around 8:45 am, and even though the flea market didn’t officially start until 10 the alley was packed with Broadway lovers of all ages. As soon as we unpacked our boxes, we were go-go-going! We got to meet so many thespians (shout out to Pennsylvania Thespians!), and thespian alum (in fact every time we met a thespian alum we cheered and handed them a button). We also gave those buttons to Kyle, Rachel, and Carly Hughes (she plays Leading Player) from Pippin. Again, we fan-girled. At the end of the day we raised nearly $3,500! Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us, as well as a huge thank you to Morgan Knowlton. Morgan is a thespian from Florida and one of our ITO Liaisons this year. Her hard hitter sales attitude could sell ice cubes in the Artic Circle.

We ended the night with a backstage tour of Matilda, Times Square photo ops, and souvenir shops (you know, tourist things.)

Overall, the Broadway Cares weekend was one for the record books. I wouldn’t have asked for a better weekend, with a better group of people. Until next time NYC.

