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Good Plays for a Baptist school?

  • 1.  Good Plays for a Baptist school?

    Posted 09-18-2018 10:55

    Hello. After teaching in public schools for 29 years, I retired to teach at a private school. I was able to do "Twelve Angry Jurors" without a hitch. Then, Agatha Christie, The Man Who Came to Dinner, You Can't Take it With You and Arsenic and Old Lace also without problems. Then the church (Baptist) took complete control over the school this summer. Now, I cannot have shows with negative/violent/sexual behaviors and themes. Well, DUH, no problems there and language is always being watered down. It seems as if I am out of ideas to find a challenging (any genre- no musicals) in such a small school with boundaries. I've been out of the loop for a long time and a screening team denied two of my plays ("Don't Drink the Water," "Dracula/Frankenstein.") Please help with some titles. I do not have the time to peruse scripts. I would like my students to have fun and be challenged with good material, not a "generic/elementary" type show. Before my arrival, The school did Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, Peter Pan, Christmas Carol and, of course Our Town. HELP! Thank you for your time and knowledge.

    Dr. Joseph DiCicco
    Educator: Theatre 6-12
    Louisville KY

  • 2.  RE: Good Plays for a Baptist school?

    Posted 09-18-2018 11:47
    That's a lot of restrictions to deal with. :/

    You might try a version of Alice in Wonderland. We did the Sam French version by Florida Friebus and Eva Le Gallienne last year and it was pretty simple. It's based on both books and offers a lot of opportunities for the kids to play multiple roles. No language issues to worry about.

    You might also try another Jane Austen.

    We also had a lot of luck with Virginia Kidd's Happily Ever Once Upon. You do have the fact that Cinderella's fairy godmother has been blackmailing her and Little Red is trying to seduce (unsuccessfully) Prince Charming but, because it's written to showcase the ridiculous aspects of these, I don't think you'd have any issues. I work in a very Mormon area and had no concerns or issues with any of my audience. Good luck!

    Shira Schwartz
    Chandler Unified School District
    Chandler AZ

  • 3.  RE: Good Plays for a Baptist school?

    Posted 09-18-2018 12:01
    I'd advise checking with the English department on what novels and plays they teach, and if there's a stage adaptation you can get your hands on. Years' worth of ideas there. Odds are that even if some of those stories push the "safety boundaries" of your school (and they're not likely to), you can successfully work on them inside the context of pairing the play with English instruction.

    Josh Kauffman
    Winfield AL

  • 4.  RE: Good Plays for a Baptist school?

    Posted 09-19-2018 09:06
    I used to work for a school with similar boundaries.  Some of the shows we did was The Hobbit, God's Favorite, Atypical Boy, Fit, Is He Dead? - may be too risky but super fun!.  Some shows that I've come across that are good and may fit in that realm (some I considered while I was there): And Then They Came for Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank, Waiting for the Parade, Radium Girls - may be too intense.

    Hope that helped!

    Kimberly Wibbenmeyer
    Sullivan MO

  • 5.  RE: Good Plays for a Baptist school?

    Posted 09-19-2018 09:51
    What about some quality children's theatre like Still Life With Iris?

    Cassy Maxton-Whitacre
    Theatre Department Coordinator
    Fishersville VA

  • 6.  RE: Good Plays for a Baptist school?

    Posted 09-19-2018 11:15
    We're doing Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus" this winter - is that moral enough?   :)

    [Drama] [Dan] []
    [Drama Teacher/Director]
    [Dublin Coffman HS]
    [Dublin] [Ohio]

  • 7.  RE: Good Plays for a Baptist school?

    Posted 09-19-2018 20:21
    A few suggestions. 

    • Harvey The Pulitzer Prize-winning play by Mary Chase. A man befriends an invisible, 6' rabbit much to the chagrin of his family.
    • The Curious Savage, by John Patrick. A women inherits a great deal of money. The poor show warmth and compassion, while the rich show avarice and unkindness.
    • J.B., a modern retelling of the Biblical  story of Job. Written in free verse by Archibald MacLeish.
    • Ah, Wilderness!, Eugene O'Neill's only comedy. It is a coming of age story at the turn of the last century.
    • Blithe Spirit,  Noël Coward's comedy about a man who is haunted by the ghost of his first wife.
    • Diary of Anne Frank,  by Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich, Pultizer Prize-winning play based on The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank about her being Jewish and hiding in Nazi occupied Holland.
    • Number the Stars, Based on the book by Lois Lowry. Adapted by Dr. Douglas W. Larche. This is a fictionalized account of how the people of Denmark helped Danish Jews escape the Nazis.
    • A Midsummer Night's Dream, by William Shakespeare. Perhaps the funniest play ever written. There's magic, fairies, mistaken identity, and a band of misfits trying to put on a play.
    • Everyman, a medieval morality play where Everyman discovers that the only things he can take with him to his judgement are his good deeds.

    James Van Leishout
    Olympia WA

  • 8.  RE: Good Plays for a Baptist school?

    Posted 09-20-2018 09:21
    I work for a Christian School with similar parameters. Our production history looks identical to yours, but in addition to your list, we've produced the following:

    Charlotte's Web
    Miss Nelson is Missing (it's a musical, but it's a simple one)
    The Heiress
    Much Ado About Nothing
    Marvin's Room
    Romeo and Juliet
    Pygmalion (the non-musical version of My Fair Lady)
    The Crucible
    Jack and the Beanstalk
    The Secret Garden
    The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood

    I feel your pain...

    Maralie Medlin
    Theatre Arts Educator
    Gastonia, NC

  • 9.  RE: Good Plays for a Baptist school?

    Posted 09-24-2018 22:25
    I also taught at a conservative Christian school (actually started the program so had to be especially conservative starting out).
    We did musicals so I have lots of suggestions there, but also did straight plays. I highly recommend It's A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play -  the Foley on the side doing sound effects was amazing! The kids learned a lot about the Golden Age of Radio and people loved it  Many came more than once and brought grandparents who used to sit by the radio and listen as a family. It proved to be very nostalgic and an audience favorite. It's also available in a straight play (not radio version). 
    What about Cheaper By the Dozen? I always wanted to direct that play  
    Good luck!

    Connie Sandoz
    Waxahachie, TX
    Retired Theatre Director
    Henderson, NV

  • 10.  RE: Good Plays for a Baptist school?

    Posted 09-27-2018 10:42
    Thank you for your time and excellent ideas!

    Joseph DiCicco
    Educator: Theatre 6-12
    Louisville KY

  • 11.  RE: Good Plays for a Baptist school?

    Posted 09-23-2018 12:04
    You might look at Emma, A Pop Musical from playscripts I believe, it's easy to produce, comes w recorded music tracks. It's Jane Austen set to pop music and updated to a private school. It's pretty tame but kids can have fun with it!

    Nell Lynch

  • 12.  RE: Good Plays for a Baptist school?

    Posted 09-24-2018 17:56
    I am always on the lookout for plays that my conservative, religious students will enjoy.

    Don A. Mueller's The Man in 316 is a thought-provoking play.  Samuel French has the rights.  (Cast of 5)

    And some students have really enjoyed reading The Jesus Trip by David Muschell.  Samuel French also has the rights to that.  (Cast of 9)

    C. J. Breland
    Asheville High School
    Asheville NC

  • 13.  RE: Good Plays for a Baptist school?

    Posted 10-18-2018 09:54
    I have been directing at a small Christian school with a Baptist affiliation that has restrictions like yours. It's been a challenge! Some of these have been mentioned already, but here's some of what we've done. 

    Musicals we've done: 
    • The Sound of Music
    • Bye Bye Birdie
    • Annie
    • Annie Warbucks
    • Godspell
    • Little Women (musical)
    • You're a Good Man Charlie Brown
    • Honk!
    • Beauty and the Beast (we're doing this year)

    Plays we've done: 
    • Twelve Angry Men
    • Little Women (play)
    • Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap
    • Agatha Christie's A Murder Is Announced
    • A Man Called Peter (religious play about the story of Peter Marshall) 
    • Harvey
    • It's a Wonderful Life
    • Number the Stars
    • Cheaper by the Dozen
    • Up the Down Staircase
    • Altar Egos (a super funny look at marriage by Pat Cook - look into his plays; he has some others that are really fun)
    • Vacancy in Paradise (another funny, off-the-wall romantic comedy)
    • The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe (this was last year and VERY well received by our students and audience)

    Other musicals/plays I've considered: 
    • Anne of Green Gables
    • The Miracle Worker
    • Our Town
    • A Wrinkle in Time
    • Cinderella
    • Music Man
    • Seussical
    • Wizard of Oz (I'm not sure our school board would approve this)
    • James & the Giant Peach
    • Mary Poppins

    Lima NY