Will they be presenting an entire concert where musicians are performing as a group together, or will each performer be performing from their home, requiring each song to be edited together? If it is the latter, please see below.
The key to the success of an adventure like this is the track that everyone syncs to. This is produced and sent out to all performers, who perform with it in their headphones so that everyone is in sync. Some put 3 beeps at the start of the original track, or count in and have the performer each clap on the last few beats, something distinct that can easily be seen in the audio waveform in editing, so each track can be lined up.
Send out a guidelines sheet that ask performers to be mindful of quality lighting in their recording, good sound (make sure they do not distort or sound to distant on their device), and that they pay attention to the camera angle. All of this makes for a better end product. If you start with poor video clips, no editing software in the world can help you. Most of all, give yourself time. It is incredible how long editing and rendering can take, even with a computer with a lot of horsepower.
Good luck!
David Simpson
Performing Arts Center Manager
East China Schools
East China MI
Original Message:
Sent: 09-22-2020 07:55
From: Michael Johnson
Subject: Video Editing Tools
Our Band Director is interested in producing a virtual concert, which I think is a wonderful idea; however, while I have edited simple video-- Chroma-key, A and B roll, etc. I've little experience combining 20 to 25 tracks while synching their audio. Any advice as to a tool would be most appreciated. I currently use Movavi and Davinci to do most of my video work.
Michael Johnson
Trinity NC