I have done this show twice at this HS ... the first time was 1999, and we rounded up a bunch of moms to help sew the habits for the nuns. They are three pieces (forgive the improper terminology) - the circular "collars", the headpiece, and the veil. We have them in our stock, and were able to reuse them in 2015.
For the gowns, our local college (much of our HS faculty are alumni) has the colors of black and gold - so we asked faculty to allow us to borrow their graduation gowns, and were able to collect an assortment of different lengths to accommodate our students. You can see that for some, the fabric has a bit of a sheen to it - but in 2015, we were able to borrow some black tunics from a friend who had done SOM - so by adding the tunics and a black rope belt, you didn't see as much of the graduation gown. The young lady on the right of this photo is the "flashiest" fabric, and it's primarily noticeable because of the position she's facing. For the other numbers in lower light, I never noticed it much.
If you'd like to use the habits, I can check with my costumer about how many we have, etc.
Love this show - and so proud of one of my former students & STO from PA (Jill-Christine Wiley) who is currently on the national tour as Maria Von Trapp!
Melissa Mintzer
Penn Manor HS
Millersville PA
Original Message:
Sent: 10-04-2017 20:03
From: Sarah Wahlen
Subject: Sound of music costumes
We did Sister Act last year and rented our costumes from a place in Texas (we are in Seattle). The costumes were excellent! Highly recommend.
Hope that helps! Have a wonderful show :)
Sarah Aanderud Wahlen
Director of Theatre & Film
Holy Names Academy
Seattle, WA
Original Message:
Sent: 09-30-2017 11:55
From: Kristin Duerr
Subject: Sound of music costumes
Anyone in the Los Angeles area have SOUND of MUSIC costumes that would be available early April 2018? I am willing to dry clean and pay a fee for the rental. Please contact me directly if so. Kduerr@ndala.com. We are a very small operation with no costume shop. Thank you! I can pick up and return.
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