Hi Brett,
We did a live show about 2 weeks ago.
We did
1. 2 tickets per show for every student involved (cast and crew). Our auditorium seats 650, so this was well under the #
2. masks for audience
3. tickets had to be bought in pairs in order to social distance the audience
4. Temp checks and questionnaire at the door. We put up a sign and ushers asked the questions. If they answered anything yes, they weren't allowed in.
5. each audience member was required to check in with an email for contact tracing
6. no intermission, concession stand, or meet and greet after with the cast
7. Dismiss by rows starting with the back
Hope this helps!
Sarah Stoffle
Original Message:
Sent: 01-21-2021 11:50
From: Brett Hiner
Subject: Live Shows
Hello All: Just checking in amongst jr. high/sr. high troupes out there to see if anyone has actually performed a live show this school year with an audience (in Ohio, the governor allows for theatres to be at 15% capacity). Please note, I am not advocating to perform live with an audience at this point, just inquiring if anyone has and how it went? And, if comfortable sharing, what unique safety precautions were put in place (aside from the obvious). THANKS TO ALL ... hope is everyone is safe, healthy and happy!
Mr. Brett Hiner
English Teacher/Drama Director
Wooster High School
Wooster, Ohio