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Journal questions and homework ideas for Acting class

  • 1.  Journal questions and homework ideas for Acting class

    Posted 10-16-2018 05:06
    What kinds of homework do you give for your Acting students? I feel like I do the usual - memorization, scene work, script analysis, and journals. But I find that my students hate doing journals; don't see how they're useful; do the bare minimum; and generally just hate doing them. 

    What other kinds of homework do you give your acting students? I want homework and journals to help them get out of their head and freely express and discover who they are as artists and actors. To help them discover in their own lives where they hold themselves back; where they self-evaluate, edit, shut down, become self-conscious or scared. Or, alternatively, where they feel most fully themselves, free and uninhibited and full of humanity and life. Where they're brave, have an opinion, move out of their comfort zone, try something they normally wouldn't do, saying yes to the moment.

    Maybe the problem is that my journal questions are lousy!

    If you have something that really works, or a list of awesome journal questions, or other self-reflective homework ideas ... I'd be grateful for your ideas!


    Arden Thomas
    Sequoyah High School
    Pasadena CA

  • 2.  RE: Journal questions and homework ideas for Acting class

    Posted 10-16-2018 09:37
    My kids fight journals too.  They actually aren't too keen on any reflection.  BUT it's so important!  Two thoughts come to mind while reading your post.  1.  You have made a powerful why statement for the importance of the journal. Keep tying your journal prompts to that.  2. Incorporate the journal into class.  Maybe small group discussions, character round tables, creative idea share, etc.... I mentioned Flipgrid on another thread.  Maybe some of those writing assignments could be video reflections.  Or...consider using an electronic portfolio or blog.  I use Google Sites.  This way students can add images to their journal or videos.  If you have them blog - I use Edublogs - they can comment on each other's work.  Just some thoughts....don't give up!  What you're doing is incredibly impactful and important!

    Amy Learn
    Ballwin MO

  • 3.  RE: Journal questions and homework ideas for Acting class

    Posted 10-17-2018 09:42
    When I used journals in one school, the students - especially the advanced students - generally enjoyed writing them and participated fully. I did not give them any prompt other than to write what they were feeling and thinking. I told the students that their journal was their chance to have my full, undivided attention and most took that to heart. Their writings covered many topics along with the current classroom activity. I would answer questions, share my thoughts, offer support in response. The students learned about themselves, life, and classroom theatrical endeavors. This activity does take a great deal of time if you read and comment on every student's journal, but we both found it very rewarding and well worth the time. 

    Ann Hileman, M.A.
    Executive Board of Indiana Thespians
    Indiana Thespian Hall of Fame
    Maconaquah High School
    256 East 800 South
    Bunker Hill, IN 46914
    765-689-9131 x 5550 (phone)
    765-689-9528 (fax)


  • 4.  RE: Journal questions and homework ideas for Acting class

    Posted 10-16-2018 09:47
    We struggle with this too - but  this year we have used quotes from various acting methods and theatre professionals regarding acting for the kids to process.  I also love using Jon Jorys TIPS books because each page a short gem that makes kids think -  and whether they agree or disagree or get it or not it doesn't matter because it at least gets them thinking about the concepts.

    We've also found that having them do creative responses like a visual graphic representing the theme of the show they watched, or doing costume or set designs on scenes they are working on his rewarding. The more creative the homework the better the results usually are 😁

    Brandon Becker
    Denver CO

  • 5.  RE: Journal questions and homework ideas for Acting class

    Posted 10-17-2018 07:41
    I read the NY Times on the weekend.  I review articles in the art section and have the students reflect on them.  It keeps my students well read and knowledgeable about current theatrical events. 

    The articles often involve an actors, writers, directors, process and that is very introspective.  The seem to respond well. It is often after graduation that I find out about how much they appreciated the assignment.

    Have a great day!


  • 6.  RE: Journal questions and homework ideas for Acting class

    Posted 10-17-2018 08:36
    We all have the students that go above and beyond and spend their free time finding new shows or scores online, I have turned this into an assignment and it happens every Friday.  Each week a show is presented that a students finds interesting yet most are unfamiliar with the title.  We have the luxury of whiteboard projectors so they create a google presentation discussing not only the story-line, but how it was developed, little known facts, etc.  Included is a scene from the show or soundtrack, photos and reasons why the show appealed to the presenter.  I then save each on a drive so students have access to the findings.  This is also done with Tech students on different techniques, or instruments that are now used in the industry, everything from lighting, to special effects to painting techniques.  Great way to share and keep a running list of resources.

    Kendra Knoblock
    Rome0 MI

  • 7.  RE: Journal questions and homework ideas for Acting class

    Posted 10-17-2018 09:52
    I make my students hand-write their journals (I tell them I don't want any technology to come between their ideas and the expression of those ideas). My prompts always connect our reading and class activities (in the first semester it's Michael Shurtleff's Guideposts) and how to apply those ideas to the scenes they're working on at the time. The ones who do it and take it seriously do a good job and find it helpful. The ones who don't do it tend to not do much homework anyway.

    Cassy Maxton-Whitacre
    Theatre Department Coordinator
    Fishersville VA

  • 8.  RE: Journal questions and homework ideas for Acting class

    Posted 10-17-2018 10:52
    My art colleagues just had an amazing idea!

    They suggested starting a "pen pal" type experience between the theater and the visual art students. Theater students write a journal entry, and hand it over to the art students. An artist responds to the journal entry with a sketch, and sends it back to the theater student. Theater student responds to the sketch.

    Next journal could be a deeper response to the sketch, or to a new prompt. Back and forth.

    I like all your ideas, too. Thank you! Looking forward to this new iteration of the journaling idea.

    Oh - also just ordered a bunch of journals for $1.00 each that look so nice:

    Arden Thomas
    Sequoyah High School
    Pasadena CA

  • 9.  RE: Journal questions and homework ideas for Acting class

    Posted 10-18-2018 08:26
    With regards to journals, my acting students tend to connect to the lesson of that day. I usually have them reflect on the exercise or activity and how it helps or hinders their acting progress. I also give them a prompt from time to time on current theatre news or something that is in the media about the arts. I will also give them an article or synopsis about this prompt and then have them write on it at the end of class. I try and have the students write in their journals EVERY DAY. At the end of the semester they look back on their journals and do a "MASTER REFLECTION" of the journey they have taken during the class. It really works and can be part of the final (after their performance.)

    Dan Schmidt
    Theatre Director
    USD 229
    Prairie Village KS

  • 10.  RE: Journal questions and homework ideas for Acting class

    Posted 10-17-2018 15:48
    For Forensics I make everyone do Improv even if it is not their category. I start the year with only individual Improv so they have to just talk to audience, in a classroom. I do things like: a bird in the hand... then move on to reflection type things. Sometimes afterward, a kid will say, “wow I didn’t know I felt that way,” “or I hadn’t thought of it like that”. No one is judging the content because the idea is just to keep talking.

    Maria Stadtmueller
    Kendall Park, NJ

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  • 11.  RE: Journal questions and homework ideas for Acting class

    Posted 10-18-2018 10:32
    This is a wonderful thread!  A few years back I asked the students to choose one of their journal entries that spoke the most to them and turn it into a monologue. After some editing and feedback, they generated some pretty solid material.  This may lead to them putting more effort into their writing knowing that it could potentially become something to share.  You could also gather several entries, keep them anonymous, and have students choose their favorite to work as a monologue.

    Kelly McCain
    Addison TX

  • 12.  RE: Journal questions and homework ideas for Acting class

    Posted 11-12-2018 09:07
    My middle school students write their journals first thing as bell work.  I keep the lights low, play soft music, and limit their time.  This helps them to get it done and see it as a fun warm up, not homework.  When they don't have a specific journal to write for acting, I sprinkle in fun topics like "What was your dream last night?" or will write a quote on the board for them to respond to.  On Fridays I show them a video (usually Tony Award performances).  This way, they learn to love journaling and reflecting. I'm working on teaching them that their journal is something to cherish.  When they get into high school, they will write longer and more in-depth character journals.  My class is new, but we are hoping to see an improvement in journaling down the road as these middle school students move into advanced HS theatre in a few years!

    Ellie Smoak
    Middle School Theatre Teacher
    Upper School Theatre Assistant Director
    Chattanooga Christian School
    Chattanooga TN