OK so I have to sick my nose into the Issue of low cost (ok so I really mean cheap) wireless microphone systems. In particular I have a major problem with GTD Audio systems - I know that they are extremely cost effective at $329 for a set of 4, but there is no customer support. They are unreliable despite the recommendations of others.
Just today I had another school contact me via one of my web properties - audio-usa.com. GTD Audio use this monika to sell on Amazon although I own the web domain and registration. Amazon refuses to do anything about it. On average I get 3-4 folks reaching out via this website every month - all pleading with help .... this despite a huge disclaimer on the home page that disavows any connection to GTD or it's products.
Buying any wireless mic system under about $350 per channel (before microphones) is a little like buying a $200 electric scooter and expecting it to get you from New Jersey to California - it simply will not do the assigned job. Would you buy a entry level car - I used to say a Yugo - over a decent car from a major automaker. It is notable that almost all new auditoria built for schools now include either Shure QLXD or Sennheiser EW-300 wireless systems and never any thing less. Unless it's a football field school boards are not known for spending more than they have to to achieve a desired result.
I do understand that theatre programs are heavily underfunded for most of us, and that leads to all sorts of compromises. A cheap sound system is better than a cheap wireless system. Having said that I also advise spending capital on improving a sound system and the rooms acoustics before shelling out large amounts of money on wireless mics - wireless mics are relatively simply and cost effective to rent, and what you need can be varied for each production.
Please also consider supporting local or small business rather than feeding the monolith that is AMAZON, or the big box guys like SWEETWATE, B&H, GUITAR CENTER, FULL COMPASS. Us little guys need all the help we can get.
Rod Reilly
Owner, Bodymics
NJ and NY offices
Original Message:
Sent: 04-20-2022 09:17
From: Bruce Udell
Subject: Headset microphone packs
Hello all,
I realize i might be getting more technical answers then I know of, but We are looking for new microphone packs for our theatre group. Small catholic school, build our stage twice a year in multipurpose room ( otherwise known as second gym). We have a newer 32 channel sound board and are looking for new packs that wont break the bank but have less cutting out then our current older models. Any help appreciated!
Bruce Udell
Gaylord St. Mary Cathedral Players
Gaylord, Mi