We are lowering the price on our Cinderella Carriage with Horses from $1500 to $1000. We need to sell them or take them apart for storage in the next few weeks. For pick-up only.
Philip Craik
Technical Theatre Director
Prestonwood Christian Academy
Plano TX
Original Message:
Sent: 07-10-2017 17:23
From: Philip Craik
Subject: Cinderella Carriage and Horses
They are still available for sale. We have a number of drops, props and furniture pieces available for rental. E-mail me if you are interested: pcraik@prestonwoodchristian.org
Philip Craik
Technical Theatre Director
Prestonwood Christian Academy
Plano TX
Original Message:
Sent: 07-10-2017 08:49
From: James McCulloch
Subject: Cinderella Carriage and Horses
Have you sold these yet? We're doing Cinderella next Spring and am beginning to search for props.
James McCulloch
East China School District
Port Huron MI
Original Message:
Sent: 06-16-2017 15:37
From: Philip Craik
Subject: Cinderella Carriage and Horses
The price for the Cinderella coach and horses is $1500.
Philip Craik
Technical Theatre Director
Prestonwood Christian Academy
Plano TX
Original Message:
Sent: 06-16-2017 15:29
From: Philip Craik
Subject: Cinderella Carriage and Horses
Philip Craik
Technical Theatre Director
Prestonwood Christian Academy
Plano TX
Original Message:
Sent: 06-16-2017 11:06
From: Carolyn Jurick
Subject: Cinderella Carriage and Horses
Hi! How much are you asking for these?
Carolyn Jurick
Theatre Director Northland Christian
Houston TX
Original Message:
Sent: 06-15-2017 12:10
From: Philip Craik
Subject: Cinderella Carriage and Horses
We have a Cinderella carriage and horses for sale. The carriage is 8' long and connect to the team of 4 horses with a single hex screw that can be easily detached during performances. I have attached a couple of pictures and a short clip to show the carriage in action.
Philip Craik
Technical Theatre Director
Prestonwood Christian Academy
Plano TX