Our tech crew is NOT included in a curtain call. We make sure that the performers understand that they are accepting applause for the entire company not just for themselves. We also insist that performers treat their crew well throughout the entire process. Saying thank you for any call or assistance and being kind when crew is doing their job to make the performers look their best.
We try to teach the crew that their place is behind the curtain and that if they want to be performers, too, that they should hone their skills and audition for the show. Our crew is duly acknowledged in the program and on social media and other forms of publicity. Crew members have equal status in all pre-show rituals and are called upon to speak in our senior circle.
I think it is important for each member of the company to learn their role and to fulfill it to the greatest degree possible. For the most part I think our crew members like it this way. They enjoy being part of the process and making their very important contributions in the darkness instead of under the lights.
On a related topic, I have never indulged in a director's curtain call. When I sense a company's desire to give me one I let them know in my own subtle ways that I would prefer this kind of acknowledgement to remain private and within the company -- not in public.
Mark A Zimmerman
Theatre Director
Akron School for the Arts
Akron Public Schools
Original Message:
Sent: 11-07-2014 13:25
From: Gai Jones
Subject: Curtain Call for Tech Running Crew
Who is acknowledged in the curtain call?
We are having a debate among theatre directors. After two different performances, one high school, one professional, the directors brought the tech running staff onstage for a bow. What do you think?
How are your technical students recognized?
Gai Jones
Ojai CA