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Curtain Call for Tech Running Crew

  • 1.  Curtain Call for Tech Running Crew

    Posted 11-07-2014 13:26
    Who is acknowledged in the curtain call?
    We are having a debate among theatre directors. After two different performances, one high school, one professional,  the directors brought the tech running staff onstage for a bow. What do you think?
    How are your technical students recognized? 

    Gai Jones
    Ojai CA

  • 2.  RE: Curtain Call for Tech Running Crew

    Posted 11-07-2014 14:01
    That's an interesting question. We've done it both ways here. I let the techies make the decision on if they would like to participate in curtain call. In all but 2 cases the techies don't want to be a part of it. They like staying backstage. That idea seems to have become part of the culture of our department. We do honor techies in other ways though. We have what a re called the "Tempting Techies" awards that are given out at the same time we do MLT's, or Most Likely To, for the actors. The Tempting Techies are chosen, and awarded by, my student production team. We also have an Outstanding Techie Award in our our night of honors, awards, and inductions, and have had a techie receive the MVP award as well.
    Shira Schwartz
    Chandler Unified School District
    Chandler AZ

  • 3.  RE: Curtain Call for Tech Running Crew

    Posted 11-08-2014 08:06
    I have found most of my Tech Crew loves the recognition and wants to be included with the curtain call.  They enjoy it and look forward to that moment.  In the High School setting where you have spent months and many weekends building it seems really appropriate.  I also think its great for the parents as well who would also like to see their child recognized just as much as the student!  In High School Theatre we rely on parents for a lot of support so I think this only makes sense.  My tech students build almost our entire show with little adult help so they are a proud bunch.  It takes a long time and many mistakes, and re-builds take place, but I think that just gives them more investment in the project when they finally finish it!

    I agree with asking them and see if they want to, and if they do make sure you include them!

    Rachel Engel
    Pittsburgh PA


  • 4.  RE: Curtain Call for Tech Running Crew

    Posted 11-08-2014 08:32
    Our tech crew is NOT included in a curtain call. We make sure that the performers understand that they are accepting applause for the entire company not just for themselves. We also insist that performers treat their crew well throughout the entire process. Saying thank you for any call or assistance and being kind when crew is doing their job to make the performers look their best.

    We try to teach the crew that their place is behind the curtain and that if they want to be performers, too, that they should hone their skills and audition for the show. Our crew is duly acknowledged in the program and on social media and other forms of publicity. Crew members have equal status in all pre-show rituals and are called upon to speak in our senior circle. 

    I think it is important for each member of the company to learn their role and to fulfill it to the greatest degree possible. For the most part I think our crew members like it this way. They enjoy being part of the process and making their very important contributions in the darkness instead of under the lights. 

    On a related topic, I have never indulged in a director's curtain call. When I sense a company's desire to give me one I let them know in my own subtle ways that I would prefer this kind of acknowledgement to remain private and within the company -- not in public. 

    Mark A Zimmerman
    Theatre Director
    Akron School for the Arts
    Akron Public Schools

  • 5.  RE: Curtain Call for Tech Running Crew

    Posted 11-08-2014 09:06
    I have always preferred that crew remains backstage but have recently started including the run crew in the curtain call and they absolutely love it.  It would be unwieldy to include the whole construction and painting crew, but allowing the run crew the bow makes them feel integral to the performance, and I think this will extend to the construction crew as well.  At the high school level, I'm all for it.  Let's acknowledge every student we can!

    Rick Osann
    Theatre Teacher
    Standish ME

  • 6.  RE: Curtain Call for Tech Running Crew

    Posted 11-08-2014 10:04
    I was taught a an early age that curtain call was for actors only.  I don't go up and take a bow and that is the example I set for techies.  We honor our techies at our final awards night.  I've never had a complaint about this.  On occasion, Students had planned a "call up" at the end of curtain call.  You know, call up all the people who helped them and give little presents.  Techies always come out on stage for that.

    Robert DiMartino
    Theatre Teacher
    Cumberland High School
    West Warwick RI

  • 7.  RE: Curtain Call for Tech Running Crew

    Posted 11-08-2014 10:52
    In reading the posts, I wasn't too surprised by the differences of opinion. We had the same debate in our district a few years ago. Pretty evenly split. I completely understand the idea of emulating a professional approach, and strive to teach the kids how theater should work and also take students to see professional shows at least once a year, but, the reason we have technical students come on in their blacks to take bows ( rehearsed of course) is for advertising purposes. When the tech crew comes on stage to take the bow, it becomes very apparent that much more is involved with a production than being on stage. Our students design, build, call, and run every show. When they are all spread across our stage, it shows that our program isn't run by gnomes or magical fairies, and that it takes a lot of work. Trust me, a lot of audience members ( parents) do not consider it. The other way of recognizing the tech crew beyond the program is by placing their head shots in the lobby along with the actors. I completely agree with the comment about not taking a director's bow. ------------------------------------------- Ed Como Tempe AZ -------------------------------------------

  • 8.  RE: Curtain Call for Tech Running Crew

    Posted 11-12-2014 17:39
    I like Ed's answer.  In high school you have some tech students who prefer to be behind the curtain even though they are taking the same theatre classes as the actors.  I think that they should be honored for their participation.  If you've ever worked in a youth theatre situation, you know how hard it can be to get students to do tech when they've only auditioned to be stars.

    Vicki Bartholomew
    Sherwood OR

  • 9.  RE: Curtain Call for Tech Running Crew

    Posted 11-08-2014 11:12
    Our Tech Crew always comes out for curtain call, minus the ones in the booth.  The cast comes out first, takes one bow together, then parts in the middle and the tech crew comes out and takes one bow, then the whole company lines up and bows together.

    Mike Morris
    Harrison OH

  • 10.  RE: Curtain Call for Tech Running Crew