I would also say to do the original versions. Yes, the language is difficult. You will need to build in more time into your rehearsal schedule to give them more time to grapple with the language, but they can and will succeed. To be honest, the rhythm of the iambic pentameter can be helpful in memorization, if they learn how that works. My first year at my school, we did Macbeth. A lot of students were very hesitant going in, and it definitely was a struggle in the beginning. But we worked at it, and worked at it, and in the end, the language wasn't a problem.
Christopher Hamilton
Drama Teacher
Kennewick WA
Original Message:
Sent: 11-04-2016 08:03
From: Christina Iman
Subject: Adaptations
I'm looking for a really good Shakespearean (preferably comedy) play adapted to modern language. All the adaptations I'm seeing are either just cuttings or, if they are modern language, are parodies. I'm currently looking at Orson Scott Card's adaptation of The Taming of the Shrew, but wanted to get others' input and suggestions.